System Analysis And Design Test Questions And Answers

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System Analysis And Design Test Questions And Answers

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Posted on 7-May-2021

Try to stay relevant. You can talk about a situation when you had to troubleshoot a network, or a device, in a short time. Or you can talk about something else. The most important thing is to show them that you can handle the pressure, that you do...

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System Analysis And Design Test Questions And Answers

[FREE] System Analysis And Design Test Questions And Answers | free!

Posted on 13-Mar-2021

Most people are reluctant to change, and conflicts pop up on a regular basis. Try to show us that you are aware of the fact, and that you do your best to solve the conflict with your friendly and empathic approach to each person in the company. It...

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System Analyst Interview Questions & Answers

System Analyst Interview Questions & Answers

Posted on 17-Apr-2021

Tell us about a time when you showed initiative at work. Describe a situation when you did not agree with the opinion or decision of your superior or supervisor, and knew that they were wrong. Tell us about a time when you used logic to solve a problem. Describe the most difficult decision of your professional career. Describe a time when you struggled with motivation in job it was repetitive, you did not enjoy your duties, there was no work to do, etc.

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Modern Systems Analysis And Design Exam Questions - Set 14

Modern Systems Analysis And Design Exam Questions - Set 14

Posted on 22-May-2021

How did you overcome the crisis? How do you manage your time at work? Describe the biggest failure of your professional career. Special Tip: Many technicians struggle with answers to personal questions, and especially with answers to behavioral questions. This costs them their chances in the interviews, and they keep failing time and again. Thank you for checking it out! Technical questions for system analyst interview interviewing with an IT expert If we hire you, what will be the first thing you do in your job?

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6 Common System Design Interview Questions (With Example Answers)

6 Common System Design Interview Questions (With Example Answers)

Posted on 17-Mar-2021

Considering the size of our company, and what we do here, what ERP solution would you suggest for us, and why? How often do you think the systems should be updated? Tell me about your latest process engineering experience. How did it impact the company you worked for? What firewall do you use, and tell us why. What is your experience with network engineering? How do you monitor the cost efficiency of IT systems? Explain hat a spoofed packet is, and try to do it in a simple language, so a person with minimal knowledge of IT will understand you. Short case study: Some production processes have changed in the company the last month. What steps would you take in this case? In most cases you will actually have to pass two interview sessions or even three , one with an HR person, and another one with a technical expert. Questions will be different in each interview… Preparing for your interview — what you can and cannot prepare for in advance As you can probably guess, technical questions vary a lot, and they will depend on the IT infrastructure in the company, the networking solution they use, and the reasons why they want to hire a new system analyst.

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Information System Analysis Amp Design Questions And Answers

Information System Analysis Amp Design Questions And Answers

Posted on 11-May-2021

The job description, and some research you do about the company prior to the interview, should help you to foresee the technical questions—at least to a certain extent. The situation differs with behavioral and screening questions. These questions are similar in every interview, because employees experience the same situations in work, regardless of their role managers, blue collars, IT specialists, secretaries—all of them experience conflicts with their colleagues, pressure in work, tight deadlines, goals they have to achieve and sometimes fail to achieve , etc. If you would like to learn how to answer these questions, check our Interview Success Package.

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System Analysis And Design Exam! Hardest Trivia Quiz

System Analysis And Design Exam! Hardest Trivia Quiz

Posted on 20-May-2021

An in-detail analysis of each question, and multiple brilliant answers to each question, will help you to relax, and to prepare for the big day. Thank you, we wish you good luck! Alternatively you can continue your interview preparation with one of the following articles: Salary negotiation tips — Learn how to negotiate a better salary in your job interview. Network engineering interview questions — Some questions overlap with system analyst interview. Learn how to answer them. How to answer interview questions — It is not only about what you say, but also how you say it in an interview.

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System Analysis & Design AS ICT Past Paper Questions Scenario 3

System Analysis & Design AS ICT Past Paper Questions Scenario 3

Posted on 4-Apr-2021

All of the above ANS: D. All of the above The primary objective of system implementation is i to build a system prototype ii to train users to operate the system iii to implement designed system using computers iv write programs, create databases and test with live data This is known emanate and terminate in an external entity D May either emanate or terminate in an external entity but not bothANS: C May emanate and terminate in an external entity Q. The data Flow Diagram is the basic component of …………… system. B System flowchart The approach used in top-down analysis and design is A. The major goal of requirement determination phase of information system development is a determine whether information is needed by an organization b determine what information is needed by an organization c determine how information needed by an organization can be provided d determine when information is to be given ANS : b determine what information is needed by an organization It is necessary to prioritize information requirements of an organization at the requirements determination phase as a it is always good to prioritize b there are conflicting demands from users c there are constraints on budgets, available time, human resource and requirement d all good organization do it ANS: c there are constraints on budgets, available time, human resource and requirement Requirement specification is carried out a after requirements are determined b before requirements are determined c simultaneously with requirements determination d independent of requirements determination ANS: a after requirements are determined The role of a system analyst drawing up a requirements specification is similar to a architect designing a building b a structural engineer designing a building c a contractor constructing a building d the workers who construct a building ANS: a architect designing a building It is necessary to consult the following while drawing top, middle and operational managers d top, middle and operational managers and also all who will use the system ANS: d top, middle and operational managers and also all who will use the system In order to understand the working of an organization for which a computer based system is being designed, an analyst must a look at only current work and document flow in the organization b discuss with top level and middle level management only c interview top, middle, line managers and also clerks who will enter data and use the system d only clerical and middle level staff who have long experience in the organization and will be users of the system ANS: c interview top, middle, line managers and also clerks who will enter data and use the system A feasibility study is carried out a after final requirements specifications are drawn up b during the period when requirements specifications are drawn up c before the final requirements specifications are drawn up d at any time ANS: c before the final requirements specifications are drawn up The main objective of feasibility study is a to assess whether it is possible to meet the requirements specifications b to assess if it is possible to meet the requirements specified subject to constraints of budget, human resource and hardware c to assist the management in implementing the desired system d to remove bottlenecks in implementing the desired system ANS: b to assess if it is possible to meet the requirements specified subject to constraints of budget, human resource and hardware It is necessary to carry out a feasibility study as a top management cannot ensure that a project is feasible before calling a system analyst b top management is not sure what they want from the system c even though top management is in favour of the system, technology may not be mature for implementation d all organizations do it ANS: c even though top management is in favour of the system, technology may not be mature for implementation Feasibility study is carried out by a managers of the organization b system analyst in consultation with managers of the organization c users of the proposed system d systems designers in consultation with the prospective users of the system ANS: b system analyst in consultation with managers of the organization Initial requirements specification is a not changed till the end of the project b continuously changed during project implementation c only a rough indication of the requirement d changed and finalized after feasibility study ANS: c only a rough indication of the requirement Final specifications are drawn up by a system analyst in consultation with the management of the organization b the managers of user organization c system analyst in consultation with programmers d system designers along with users ANS: a system analyst in consultation with the management of the organization The main goal of arriving at a final specification is a to tell the organization's managers how the system will function b to tell the organization's managers what the proposed system will achieve in a language understood by them c to compute the cost of implementing the system d to assist in designing the system ANS: b to tell the organization's managers what the proposed system will achieve in a language understood by them The final specifications are arrived at a after feasibility study b during feasibility study a when the final specifications are drawn up Hardware study is required a to find out cost of computer system needed b to determine the type of computer system and software tools needed to meet the final system specification c to make sure that the system does not become obsolete d to find how to implement the system ANS: b to determine the type of computer system and software tools needed to meet the final system specification Hardware study is carried out a after the final system is specified b at the requirements specification stage c before the requirements are specified d whenever management decides it is necessary ANS: a after the final system is specified System design is carried out a as soon as system requirements are determined b whenever a system analyst feels it is urgent c after final system specifications are approved by the organization d whenever the user management feels it should be done ANS: c after final system specifications are approved by the organization The primary objective of system design is to a design the programs, databases and test plan b design only user interfaces c implement the system d find out how the system will perform ANS: a design the programs, databases and test plan iv ANS: C.

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System Analysis And Design Final Exam Questions And Answers - Set 15

System Analysis And Design Final Exam Questions And Answers - Set 15

Posted on 1-Apr-2021

HIPO System evaluation is carried out a after the system has been operational for a reasonable time b during system implementation c whenever managers of user organization want it d whenever operational staff want it ANS: a after the system has been operational for a reasonable time The main objective of system evaluation is a to see whether the system met specification b to improve the system based on operational experience for a period c to remove bugs in the programs d to asses the efficiency of the system ANS: b to improve the system based on operational experience for a period Systems are modified whenever a user's requirements change b new computers are introduced in the market c new software tools become available in the market d other similar organization modify these system ANS: a user's requirements change To easily modify the existing system it is necessary to a use good software tools b use the best hardware available c design the system which can be changed at low cost d keep the programming team happy ANS: c design the system which can be changed at low cost It is necessary to design an information system to easily accommodate change, because a new computers are introduced every year b new computer languages become popular every year c organizations' requirements change over a period of time d systems need continuous debugging ANS: c organizations' requirements change over a period of time Changing an operational information iii and iv b i, ii and iii c ii, iii and iv d ii and iii ANS: b i, ii and iii The primary responsibility of a systems analyst is to a specify an information system which meets the requirements of an organization b write programs to meet specifications c maintain the system d meet managers of the organization regularly ANS: a specify an information system which meets the requirements of an organization The responsibilities of a system analyst include i defining and prioritizing information requirement of an organization ii gathering data, facts and opinions of users in an organization iii drawing up specifications of the system for an organization iv designing and evaluating the system a i and ii b i, ii and iv c i, ii, iii and iv d i, ii and iii ANS: d i, ii and iii The most important attribute of a systems analyst is a excellent programming skills b very good hardware designing skills c very good technical management skills d very good writing skills ANS: c very good technical management skills 68 Among the attributes of a good systems analyst the following are essential i knowledge of organization ii analytical mind iii ability to communicate orally iv excellent mathematical abilities i and ii b i, ii and iii c i, ii and iv d i, iii and iv ANS: b i, ii and iii Among the attributes of a systems analyst the following are most important i knowledge of computer systems and currently available hardware ii good interpersonal relations iii broad knowledge about various organizations iv very good accountancy knowledge a i, iii and iv b i and iii c i, ii and iv d i, ii and iii ANS: d i, ii and iii Managers in organizations should not design their own systems as a systems have to interact with other systems b they do not have the special skills necessary to design systems c it is not their job d they are always very busy ANS: b they do not have the special skills necessary to design systems Systems analyst should use software tools in their work as a all analysts use them Which of the following does not occur in phase -4 of the system development life cycle A.

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Systems Analysis And Design Examination Question Paper

Systems Analysis And Design Examination Question Paper

Posted on 19-May-2021

The structure chart is A. All of the above ANS: C. Changes made periodically to a system, after its implementation, is known as system : D. The first step in systems Development Life Cycle is A. Graphic representation of the control logic of processing functions or modules An open rectangle A. All of the above ANS: B. Coding and testing are done In a A. Plan the algorithm B. Analyze the problem C. Desk-check the algorithm D. Evaluate and modify if necessary the program ANS: B. Analyze the problem All of the following tools are used for process descriptions except: D. System design aid should primarily A. Mistakes made in the system analysis stage show up in : is a forms-driven technique in which standard forms are used to document the information B.

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System Analysis And Design Set 1

System Analysis And Design Set 1

Posted on 12-Mar-2021

Program testing During what phase, the requirement analysis is performed? The requirements report includes A. During the system study, analysts determine manager's information needs by A. A feasibility study A. In data-flow diagrams, an originator or receiver of the data is usually A. System Implementation Which of the following is not considered as a tool at the system design phase? Which are the tools not used for System Analysis A. System -test data b i and ii A data dictionary is useful as i it is a documentation aid ii it assists in designing input forms iii it contains al data in an application including temporary data used in processes iv it is a good idea in system design a. ANS:B Translating the problem statement into a series of sequential steps describing what the program must do is known as: A. Information requirements of an organization can be determined by a interviewing managers and users and arriving at the requirements based on consensus b finding out what similar organizations do c telling organization what they need based on your experience d sending a questionnaire to all employees of the organization It is necessary to consult the following while drawing up requirement specification a only top managers b only top and middle management c only top, middle and operational managers d top, middle and operational managers and also all who will use the system ANS: d In order to understand the working of an organization for which a computer based system is being designed, an analyst must a look at only current work and document flow in the organization b discuss with top level and middle level management only c interview top, middle, line managers and also clerks who will enter data and use the system d only clerical and middle level staff who have long experience in the organization and will be users of the system The main objective of feasibility study is a to assess whether it is possible to meet the requirements specifications b to assess if it is possible to meet the requirements specified subject to constraints of budget, human resource and hardware c to assist the management in implementing the desired system d to remove bottlenecks in implementing the desired system ANS: b It is necessary to carry out a feasibility study as a top management can not ensure that a project is feasible before calling a system analyst b top management is not sure what they want from the system c even though top management is in favor of the system, technology may not be The main goal of arriving at a final specification is a to tell the organization's managers how the system will function b to tell the organization's managers what the proposed system will achieve in to find out cost of computer system needed b to determine the type of computer system and software tools needed to meet the as soon as system requirements are determined b whenever a system analyst feels it is urgent c after final system specifications are approved by the organization d whenever the user management feels it should be done ANS: c The primary objective of system design is to a design the programs, databases and test plan b design only user interfaces c implement the system d find out how the system will perform ANS: a The primary objective of system implementation is i to build a system prototype ii to train users to operate the system iii to implement designed system using computers iv write programs, create databases and test with live datai, iii b i, ii, iii c ii ,iii d ii,iv ANS: d During system implementation the following are done i programs are written and tested with operational data ii user documentation is created and users trained iii programmers are recruited and trained iv the system is tested with operational data i and iii b ii and iii c ii and iv d i, The main objective of system evaluation is a to see whether the system met specification b to improve the system based on operational experience for a period c to remove bugs in the programs d to asses the efficiency of the system ANS: b Systems are modified whenever a user's requirements change b new computers are introduced in the market c new software tools become available in the market d other similar organization modify these system ANS: a To easily modify the existing system it is necessary to a use good software tools b use the best hardware available c design the system which can be changed at low cost d keep the programming team happy ANS: c It is necessary to design an information system to easily accommodate change, because a new computers are introduced every year b new computer languages become popular every year c organizations' requirements change over a period of time d systems need continuous debugging iv b i, ii and iii c ii, iii and iv d ii and iii ANS: b The primary responsibility of a systems analyst is to a specify an information system which meets the requirements of an organization b write programs to meet specifications c maintain the system d meet managers of the organization regularly ANS: a The responsibilities of a system analyst include i defining and prioritizing information requirement of an organization ii gathering data, facts and opinions of users in an organization iii drawing up specifications of the system for an organization iv designing and evaluating the system a i and ii b i, ii and iv c i, ii, iii and iv d i, the attributes of a good systems analyst the following are essential i knowledge of organization Among the attributes of a systems analyst the following are most important i knowledge of computer systems and currently available hardware ii good interpersonal relations iii broad knowledge about various organizations iv very good accountancy knowledge i, iii and iv b i and iii c i, ii and iv d i, ii and iii ANS: d Managers in organizations should not design their own systems as a systems have to interact with other systems b they do not have the special skills necessary to design systems c it is not their job d they are always very busy ANS: b Systems analyst should use software tools in their work as a all analysts use them b they assist in systematic design of ………………..

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System Analysis And Design

System Analysis And Design

Posted on 21-Mar-2021

Source of …… destination of results To create vehicle of information to provide evidence in the development process and to monitor the process. This is one of the By an external entity we mean a A Unit outside the system being designed which can be controlled by an analyst. Changing the relationship with and services provided to customers in such a way that they will not think of changing suppliers is called …………. A Lock in customers Reduction of bad debts is an example of ……….. Documentation is prepared A. Decision tree uses A. Problem analysis is done during A. A decision table facilitates conditions to be related to A. Actions B. Programs C. Tables D. Operation ANS: A. Actions System Development Life Cycle B. CASE tool C. Phased Conversion D. Success Factors Ans: A.

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System Analysis And Design MCQ Questions & Answers | Computer Science

System Analysis And Design MCQ Questions & Answers | Computer Science

Posted on 4-May-2021

Difficulty Level : Hard Last Updated : 14 Jun, In software engineering interview process system design round has become a standard part of the interview. If you want to get your dream job in some big tech giant companies especially as a senior engineer then you need to tell your approach about building a complex large scalable system. There is no standard or accurate answer to the design interview questions. You may have different conversations with different interviewers. Due to the lack of experience in building a large scale system and open-ended nature of system design round a lot of candidates struggle with this round. Not just junior and mid-level developers but also experienced developers feel uncomfortable in system design round. If you are preparing yourself for this round then we recommend you to read the blog How to Crack System Design Round in Interviews?

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System Analysis And Design Questions And Answers (Q&A)

System Analysis And Design Questions And Answers (Q&A)

Posted on 20-Apr-2021

We will discuss some common design interview questions asked by the interviewers frequently in big tech companies. We will also discuss some key points which you should consider while designing the system and explaining the answer to the interviewer. For example bit. Things to discuss and analyze: Given a long URL, the service should generate a shorter and unique alias of it. When the user hits a short link, the service should redirect to the original link. Service handle redirects. Support for custom short URLs. Track click stats. System should be highly available. You need to consider three things while designing this service. Persistence Layer— Database 2. The service should be scalable where a large number of users can watch and share the videos simultaneously. It will be storing and transmitting petabytes and petabytes of data.

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System Analysis And Design Multiple Choice Questions And Answers

System Analysis And Design Multiple Choice Questions And Answers

Posted on 15-Mar-2021

Things to discuss and analyze: Approach to record stats about videos e. Adding comments on videos in real-time. Design Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp a global chat service Things to discuss and analyze: Approach for one-on-one text messaging between users. Approach for extending the design to support group chats. Delivered and read status What action needs to be taken if user is not connected to the internet. Push notifications Sending media like images or other documents Approach for providing end-to-end message encryption. Users can also comment on questions or shared links. Follow options should be there for users to follow other users or topics. News feed generation which means users can see the list of top questions from all the users and topics they follow on their timeline.

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System Analysis And Design Interview Questions & Answers

System Analysis And Design Interview Questions & Answers

Posted on 14-Apr-2021

Design Search Typeahead Typeahead service allow users to type some query and based on that it suggest top searched items starting with whatever the user has typed. Things to discuss and analyze: Approach to store previous search queries Real time requirement of system Approach to keep the data fresh. Approach to find the best matches to the already typed string Queries per second to be handled by the system. Criteria for choosing the suggestions. Total number of data to be stored. Approach to find the best matches to the already typed string 6. Service should support automatic synchronization between devices, i. Approach to track permission for file sharing. Allowing multiple users to edit the same document. System should support storing large files up to a GB. Design a Web Crawler Design a Web Crawler scalable service that collects information crawl from the entire web and fetch hundreds of millions of web documents. Things to discuss and analyze: Approach to find new web pages.

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System Analysis And Design (SAD) - Computer Science Questions & Answers

System Analysis And Design (SAD) - Computer Science Questions & Answers

Posted on 2-Apr-2021

Approach to prioritize web pages that change dynamically. Ensure that crawler is not unbounded on the same domain. Design Facebook, Twitter or Instagram You need to design a social media service for billions of users. Most of the interviewer spend time in the discussion of news feed generation service in these apps. Privacy controls around each tweet or post. Direct messaging User should be able to follow another user. Things to analyze: System should be able to handle the huge amount of traffic for billions of users. Number of followers Number of times the tweet has been favorited. Components: News feed generation. Social graph Friend connection networking between users or who follows whom? Design Uber or lyft a ride sharing service Design a service where a user requests a ride from the app, and a driver arrives to take them to their destination. A frequently asked interview question in system design round of interviews. How to efficiently match the user request with the nearby drivers?

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Object Oriented Analysis And Design Questions & Answers | OOAD MCQs - Trenovision

Object Oriented Analysis And Design Questions & Answers | OOAD MCQs - Trenovision

Posted on 4-May-2021

How do maps and routing works in Uber? How ETAs are calculated? Approach to handle millions of updates to driver location. Dispatch is mostly built using Node. Design an API Rate Limiter Github Design a service or tool that monitor the number of requests per a window time a service agrees to allow. If the number of request exceeds the rate limiter blocks all the excess calls. Things to analyze and discuss: Limiting the number of requests an entity can send to an API within a time window, for example, twenty requests per second. Rate limiting should work for a distributed setup, as the APIs are available through a group of servers. How to handle throttling soft and hard throttling etc. Attention reader! Get hold of all the important System Design concepts with industry experts. Join System Design Course to attend live classes.

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Posted on 1-May-2021

Major Activities in requirement Determination : Requirements Anticipation : It predicts the characteristics of system based on previous experience which include certain problems or features and requirements for a new system. It can lead to analysis of areas that would otherwise go unnoticed by inexperienced analyst. But if shortcuts are taken and bias is introduced in conducting the investigation, then requirement Anticipation can be half-baked. Requirements Investigation : It is studying the current system and documenting its features for further analysis. It is at the heart of system analysis where analyst documenting and describing system features using fact-finding techniques, prototyping, and computer assisted tools.

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OOAD Exams Questions With Answers

OOAD Exams Questions With Answers

Posted on 20-Mar-2021

Requirements Specifications : It includes the analysis of data which determine the requirement specification, description of features for new system, and specifying what information requirements will be provided. It includes analysis of factual data, identification of essential requirements, and selection of Requirement-fulfillment strategies. Question 7. Explain Information Gathering Technique- Interviewing? Answer : Interviewing : Systems analyst collects information from individuals or groups by interviewing.

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System Analysis And Design - Computer Science Questions And Answers

System Analysis And Design - Computer Science Questions And Answers

Posted on 4-Mar-2021

The analyst can be formal, legalistic, play politics, or be informal; as the success of an interview depends on the skill of analyst as interviewer. It can be done in two ways Unstructured Interview : The system analyst conducts question-answer session to acquire basic information of the system. Structured Interview :It has standard questions which user need to respond in either close objective or open descriptive format.

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System Analysis & Design | Other Quiz - Quizizz

System Analysis & Design | Other Quiz - Quizizz

Posted on 16-May-2021

Advantages of Interviewing : This method is frequently the best source of gathering qualitative information. It is useful for them, who do not communicate effectively in writing or who may not have the time to complete questionnaire. Information can easily be validated and cross checked immediately. It can handle the complex subjects. It is easy to discover key problem by seeking opinions. It bridges the gaps in the areas of misunderstandings and minimizes future problems. Question 8. Explain Information Gathering Technique- Questionnaires? Answer : Questionnaires : This method is used by analyst to gather information about various issues of system from large number of persons. They can explore a problem and lead to a specific direction of answer. Advantages of questionnaires : It is very effective in surveying interests, attitudes, feelings, and beliefs of users which are not co-located.

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Top 10 Useful System Design Interview Questions & Answer In

Top 10 Useful System Design Interview Questions & Answer In

Posted on 4-May-2021

It is useful in situation to know what proportion of a given group approves or disapproves of a particular feature of the proposed system. It is useful to determine the overall opinion before giving any specific direction to the system project. It is more reliable and provides high confidentiality of honest responses. It is appropriate for electing factual information and for statistical data collection which can be emailed and sent by post. Question 9. Answer : Review of Records, Procedures, and Forms : Review of existing records, procedures, and forms helps to seek insight into a system which describes the current system capabilities, its operations, or activities. Advantages : It helps user to gain some knowledge about the organization or operations by themselves before they impose upon others.

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Object Oriented Analysis And Design Questions & Answers | OOAD MCQs

Object Oriented Analysis And Design Questions & Answers | OOAD MCQs

Posted on 9-May-2021

It helps in documenting current operations within short span of time as the procedure manuals and forms describe the format and functions of present system. It can provide a clear understanding about the transactions that are handled in the organization, identifying input for processing, and evaluating performance. It can help an analyst to understand the system in terms of the operations that must be supported.

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System Analysis And Design Multiple Choice Questions And Answers. Page 2.

System Analysis And Design Multiple Choice Questions And Answers. Page 2.

Posted on 22-May-2021

It describes the problem, its affected parts, and the proposed solution. Question Explain Joint Application Development jad? Answer : Joint Application Development JAD : It is a new technique developed by IBM which brings owners, users, analysts, designers, and builders to define and design the system using organized and intensive workshops. JAD trained analyst act as facilitator for workshop who has some specialized skills. Advantages of JAD It saves time and cost by replacing months of traditional interviews and follow-up meetings. It is useful in organizational culture which supports joint problem solving. Fosters formal relationships among multiple levels of employees.

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Systems Analysis And Design - Chapter1.Questions

Systems Analysis And Design - Chapter1.Questions

Posted on 18-Mar-2021

It can lead to development of design creatively. It Allows rapid development and improves ownership of information system. Answer : Secondary Research or Background Reading : This method is widely used for information gathering by accessing the gleaned information. It includes any previously gathered information used by the marketer from any internal or external source. Advantages : It is more openly accessed with the availability of internet. It provides valuable information with low cost and time. It act as forerunner to primary research and aligns the focus of primary research. It is used by the researcher to conclude if the research is worth it as it is available with procedures used and issues in collecting them.

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System Analysis And Design Question Bank

System Analysis And Design Question Bank

Posted on 20-Apr-2021

What Is Feasibility Study? Answer : Feasibility Study : Feasibility Study can be considered as preliminary investigation that helps the management to take decision about whether study of system should be feasible for development or not. It identifies the possibility of improving an existing system, developing a new system, and produce refined estimates for further development of system. It is used to obtain the outline of the problem and decide whether feasible or appropriate solution exists or not. The main objective of a feasibility study is to acquire problem scope instead of solving the problem. The output of a feasibility study is a formal system proposal act as decision document which includes the complete nature and scope of the proposed system. Steps Involved in Feasibility Analysis : The following steps are to be followed while performing feasibility analysis Form a project team and appoint a project leader.

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System Analysis And Design | Questions & Answers

System Analysis And Design | Questions & Answers

Posted on 10-Mar-2021

Develop system flowcharts. Identify the deficiencies of current system and set goals. Enumerate the alternative solution or potential candidate system to meet goals. Determine the feasibility of each alternative such as technical feasibility, operational feasibility, etc. Weight the performance and cost effectiveness of each candidate system. Rank the other alternatives and select the best candidate system. Prepare a system proposal of final project directive to management for approval.

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11 System Analysis And Design Quizzes Online, Trivia, Questions & Answers - ProProfs Quizzes

11 System Analysis And Design Quizzes Online, Trivia, Questions & Answers - ProProfs Quizzes

Posted on 14-Apr-2021

All of the above ANS: D. All of the above The primary objective of system implementation is i to build a system prototype ii to train users to operate the system iii to implement designed system using computers iv write programs, create databases and test with live data This is known emanate and terminate in an external entity D May either emanate or terminate in an external entity but not bothANS: C May emanate and terminate in an external entity Q. The data Flow Diagram is the basic component of …………… system. B System flowchart The approach used in top-down analysis and design is A. The major goal of requirement determination phase of information system development is a determine whether information is needed by an organization b determine what information is needed by an organization c determine how information needed by an organization can be provided d determine when information is to be given ANS : b determine what information is needed by an organization It is necessary to prioritize information requirements of an organization at the requirements determination phase as a it is always good to prioritize b there are conflicting demands from users c there are constraints on budgets, available time, human resource and requirement d all good organization do it ANS: c there are constraints on budgets, available time, human resource and requirement Requirement specification is carried out a after requirements are determined b before requirements are determined c simultaneously with requirements determination d independent of requirements determination ANS: a after requirements are determined The role of a system analyst drawing up a requirements specification is similar to a architect designing a building b a structural engineer designing a building c a contractor constructing a building d the workers who construct a building ANS: a architect designing a building It is necessary to consult the following while drawing top, middle and operational managers d top, middle and operational managers and also all who will use the system ANS: d top, middle and operational managers and also all who will use the system In order to understand the working of an organization for which a computer based system is being designed, an analyst must a look at only current work and document flow in the organization b discuss with top level and middle level management only c interview top, middle, line managers and also clerks who will enter data and use the system d only clerical and middle level staff who have long experience in the organization and will be users of the system ANS: c interview top, middle, line managers and also clerks who will enter data and use the system A feasibility study is carried out a after final requirements specifications are drawn up b during the period when requirements specifications are drawn up c before the final requirements specifications are drawn up d at any time ANS: c before the final requirements specifications are drawn up The main objective of feasibility study is a to assess whether it is possible to meet the requirements specifications b to assess if it is possible to meet the requirements specified subject to constraints of budget, human resource and hardware c to assist the management in implementing the desired system d to remove bottlenecks in implementing the desired system ANS: b to assess if it is possible to meet the requirements specified subject to constraints of budget, human resource and hardware It is necessary to carry out a feasibility study as a top management cannot ensure that a project is feasible before calling a system analyst b top management is not sure what they want from the system c even though top management is in favour of the system, technology may not be mature for implementation d all organizations do it ANS: c even though top management is in favour of the system, technology may not be mature for implementation Feasibility study is carried out by a managers of the organization b system analyst in consultation with managers of the organization c users of the proposed system d systems designers in consultation with the prospective users of the system ANS: b system analyst in consultation with managers of the organization Initial requirements specification is a not changed till the end of the project b continuously changed during project implementation c only a rough indication of the requirement d changed and finalized after feasibility study ANS: c only a rough indication of the requirement Final specifications are drawn up by a system analyst in consultation with the management of the organization b the managers of user organization c system analyst in consultation with programmers d system designers along with users ANS: a system analyst in consultation with the management of the organization The main goal of arriving at a final specification is a to tell the organization's managers how the system will function b to tell the organization's managers what the proposed system will achieve in a language understood by them c to compute the cost of implementing the system d to assist in designing the system ANS: b to tell the organization's managers what the proposed system will achieve in a language understood by them The final specifications are arrived at a after feasibility study b during feasibility study a when the final specifications are drawn up Hardware study is required a to find out cost of computer system needed b to determine the type of computer system and software tools needed to meet the final system specification c to make sure that the system does not become obsolete d to find how to implement the system ANS: b to determine the type of computer system and software tools needed to meet the final system specification Hardware study is carried out a after the final system is specified b at the requirements specification stage c before the requirements are specified d whenever management decides it is necessary ANS: a after the final system is specified System design is carried out a as soon as system requirements are determined b whenever a system analyst feels it is urgent c after final system specifications are approved by the organization d whenever the user management feels it should be done ANS: c after final system specifications are approved by the organization The primary objective of system design is to a design the programs, databases and test plan b design only user interfaces c implement the system d find out how the system will perform ANS: a design the programs, databases and test plan iv ANS: C.

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